Sunday 13 October 2013

COTW #37 - Hip Cross Carry

by Aline Kelly

Hip Cross Carry (HCC) is a supportive, poppable hip carry that is tied with a mid-length woven wrap, usually a size 4 or 5. If you're familiar with the Front Cross Carry, this is the same, except with modifications to situate it on the hip. The HCC is a good carry for nursing and for trips outside the house, since you can pop baby in and out as needed. 

General instructions: 
- Drape your wrap over one shoulder at the middle marker. 
- Bring both tails to your opposite hip and cross them over each other in an X shape.
- Circle the tails around your waist until both ends are back at the hip where you made the X. Tie a loose double knot. 
- Situate baby into the X, inner pass first, spreading the wrap from knee to knee as you go. 
- Tighten up the  wrap where needed and tighten your knot under baby's bum (if you have extra length you can tie elsewhere). 
- Spread the wrap across your back, cup your shoulder if you like, and make any other adjustments for your comfort. 

Photo instructions: 

Video instructions: (Leah Greer-Pinzaru)

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